March 25, 2009

Wardrobe Experiment

It's been beautiful here in SF the last couple of days and this brilliant sunshine is expected to stay. This has made me want to wear dresses and skirts but I've come to realize that I just don't have many that I like. I don't buy dresses unless I have an occasion to wear one. Like Friday, for Wicked (even though I have no idea what I'll wear yet). Since I joined my current company more than a year ago, I've really taken to the "wear jeans everyday and don't twice about it" ideology. But you know what? I'm a woman, in her 20's! I should be having fun with my wardrobe and not doing the pair this boring shirt with those jeans I wear everyday thing.

And since I read this article in Glamour: Change Your Life in 30 Days, I've felt more inspired than ever to make change by starting with a short-term 30 days goal. So this my idea, wear nothing but skirts and dresses to work for a month. Jeans, sweats, whatever allowed on the weekends. But the problem is that I need to make the plunge and stock up a bit before I do this. Below are candidates. I'm in desperate need of feedback so leave comments!!!

1 comment:

rebecca marie said...

Dresses two and three definitely. I'm not fond of the first one at all it's kinda of "Allison on the plantation" and well as your sister I'd really rather not...maybe Brandon is rubbing his Texas off on you?